
Welcome to Kopi Aroma Official Website


  • Kopi Aroma sells limited amount of coffee per day.
  • Kopi Aroma only serves walk-in purchases at Jalan Banceuy No.51, Bandung.
  • Kopi Aroma does not sell online  through any online platform (marketplace/online stores/social media/website).
  • Kopi Aroma does not provide delivery services/cash on delivery (COD) service.
  • Kopi Aroma does not have any branch stores.
  • Kopi Aroma does not open any café or restaurtants.


“Thank you for being our loyal customer for the past 94 years!” – Widyapratama & family.

Kopi Aroma is a local “Mom and Pop” home industry coffee roaster and store. It is well known as “Paberik & Toko Kopi Aroma” in Bahasa Indonesia Ejaan Lama or “Koffie Fabriek Aroma”in Dutch, and it is translated to English as “Aroma Coffee – Roastery and Store”.

Kopi Aroma is founded by Mr.Tan Houw Sian. In 1930, Mr.Tan moved his business to Jalan Banceuy No.51. The traditional style coffee processing and selling activities are still taking place in the very same building until today. In 2018, the old art deco building is listed as one of Bandung’s cultural heritage building (Bangunan Cagar Budaya Bandung).

Mr. Tan started his coffee business from zero, serving locals as well as Dutch and Japanese whom at that time stayed in Bandung. In 1970s, the second generation, Mr. Widyapratama followed his father footstep into the legendary coffee business. Now he is running the roastery and shop with some help from his wife and children. Mr. Widyapratama’s hard work paid off. The number of Kopi Aroma’s customers has grown significantly over the years and Kopi Aroma has also become one of the popular souvenirs for the local as well as international tourists.

Not only inheriting the coffee business, Mr. Tan also passed through some family values and traditions which Mr. Widyapratama and his family are whole-heartedly preserving and implementing in running Kopi Aroma. Those values and traditions are:

  1. Selling with integrity: honesty is important!
  2. Maintaining an affordable price, so that everyone can enjoy Kopi Aroma
  3. Producing only good quality coffee: 100% coffee beans, no chemical, no preservatives or additional ingredients. Producing coffee beans that have a strong aroma, have a great taste and have a low acid level (to avoid giving gastro problems to our customer)

Kopi Aroma maintains a traditional approach in processing the green beans into coffee beans. Firstly, the green beans are sent directly from Indonesia’s coffee plantations in Sumatera, Java, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara. When the green beans arrived at our factory, they are dried under the sun and then stored for aging process. Storing the coffee beans in the warehouse is creating some changes in the coffee beans’ characters. Storing Arabika coffee beans for 8 years will reduce its level of acidity. Storing Robusta coffee beans for 5 years will reduce its caffeine level. Storing coffee beans will also enhance their aroma! They will have stronger aroma after being stored for certain times.

After the aging process, the coffee beans are then roasted using a 90 years old Germany roaster machine fuelled by woods. It took around 2 hours to roast a batch of coffee beans. Mr.Widyatama himself does the roasting process in the early mornings, every single coffee-selling day.



Due to the long high care processes from green beans to fully roasted coffee beans, Kopi Aroma can only sell a limited amount of coffee daily. We only sell coffee beans that are roasted on the same day, so that customers are consuming only the freshest coffee every time they make a purchase from our store. We suggest customers to make small purchases enough for 2-4 weeks stock. Purchases are limited to 3kg per customer per day. Hope you enjoy Kopi Aroma!

Mokka Arabika

Mokka Arabika

“Strong aroma, soft sour flavor with low caffeine and low acidity” – 100% Arabica coffee, a blend of 8 years Arabika coffee beans from Priangan , Java, Aceh, Medan, Toraja, Flores and Timor – Roasted 2 hours using woods


“Strong bitter flavor with high level of caffeine” – 100% Robusta coffee, a blend from 5 years Robusta coffee beans from Sumatera and Java – Roasted 2 hours using woods

Grind types & Use :

Roasted whole coffee beans 

Fine Grind; Indonesian-style; simply pour boiled water

Medium Grind; For Espresso Machine, French Press, Mokka Pot, Vietnamese Drip,  Pour Over (V60, Chemex),  Syphon

Coarse Grind; For Coffee Maker/Automatic Dripper


Packaging Size

¼ kg (250 grams)

½ kg (500 grams)


Price List

Products/Packaging      250 grams          500 grams
Mokka Arabika                Rp.45.000           Rp.90.000
Robusta                            Rp.35.000           Rp.70.000



Coffee Storage & Brewing Suggestions


How to store my coffee beans/grounds at home?

Our coffee beans are best consumed within 2-4 weeks. But if they are being stored properly, they can last more than 6 months without any changes in taste and aroma.

This is how you should store your coffee beans at home:

  • Store them in an airtight container
  • Store them in a room temperature; keep away from the sun and humidity
  • Please avoid using container that has a strong odour and avoid placing coffee beans/grounds near products which has strong odours such as herbs, durians, and perfumes because they absorb odours.


How to make a good coffee at home?

Our customers have different preferences on how to make a good cup of coffee. The most popular is Indonesian style Kopi Tubruk which simply pouring hot boiled water into the fine coffee grounds.  This is the quick, simplest, and inexpensive way to make a strong coffee.

Guidance :

  1. Prepare 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds (+/- 20gr) for +/- 200 mL capacity ceramic cup
  2. To produce lighter coffee, use a flat tablespoon (+/- 13 gr) of fine ground coffee
  3. Prepare boiled water
  4. Pour boiled water into the cup slowly
  5. Mix well
  6. Add sugar if desired (we recommend you not to add sugar)
  7. Wait until the coffee grounds sink into the bottom of the cup
  8. A good cup of coffee is ready to drinnk

Note :

The ratio of water and coffee are adjustable depending on personal taste and preferences, method of preparing coffee, cup sizes, and desired strength.


Contact Please visit our store to buy Kopi Aroma


How to get there


You could use private car or public transport like taxi, Gojek, Grab, angkot and public bus.

Our store is located in the centre of  Bandung, at Jalan Banceuy No. 51.  There are two access to Jalan Banceuy; first is from Pasar Baru (Jalan Otista), or second, from Jalan Asia Afrika. From Pasar Baru, you could go from Jalan Pecinan Lama or from Jalan ABC. Our shop is at the corner of Jalan Banceuy and Pecinan Lama.

Private Car Parking
If you are lucky, you could park your car in front of Kopi Aroma or you could also park around neighbourhood alongside jalan Banceuy, Pecinan Lama, ABC, and Suniaraja.

Public Transports
When you use public bus or angkot, stop at “Stasion Hall” or “Alun-alun”. Some public transport also stop in front of our store such as Public Bus DAMRI Padalarang (KBP) – Alun-alun, and Angkot Cicadas-Elang, Kebon Kelapa-Sukajadi.

Kopi Aroma is only a walking distance from tourism places like Pasar Baru, Braga, Alun-alun, Penjara Banceuy and Gedung Asia Afrika.

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dr. Ray Leonard Judijanto

Contact Us

Address : Jl. Banceuy No. 51
Bandung 40111
Phone : +62 22 4230473
Email : info@kopiaroma.id

Operational Hour

Monday to Saturday
09.00 AM – 14.30 PM
(close on Sunday and holiday)